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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Apologetics Part 1

Hello everyone and I am doing this post to show you how we can know that the Bible is true.

First of all, I will clear up the fact of proof. YOU CANNOT PROVE ANYTHING. Have I made myself clear? Probably not. Let me use an illustration. Let's say that your mom has made you supper. Do you know if the food has poison in it or not? Of course you don't! You do have evidence though. You have eaten your mom's food before and you haven't died. Your family isn't dead after they have taken a bite. But you still don't know if your mom put poison in just your food. You could take your food to a science lab. They could run tests on it and a week and a lot of money later they might tell you that your food does not have poison in it. Still, you would have to take the scientist's word for it. They could show you the evidence, but you STILL would have to trust the evidence. We do not live by proof.

We do not live by faith either. If you live by faith you would believe all kinds of crazy things.

You may wonder what we do live by. We live by evidence through faith. That means that we use evidence to determine things but finish it off with faith. Now that we have cleared that up we will move onto other things.

Let us talk about the big bang theory. First of all, the big bang theory is just a THEORY. You can't believe theories. Now according to the big bang theory, there was nothing. Then a ball of gasses exploded and became everything. Do you realize that if you believe in the big bang theory that you believe that there was nothing and then there was everything? And what caused the ball of gasses to explode? Do you know how much precision there is in the galaxy? If the earth were just a tiny bit closer to the sun it would burn up and if the earth were a tiny bit farther away from the sun that earth would be way to cold. If there was no Jupiter the earth would be pummeled with meoteors because Jupiter blocks them from earth. Those are just the ones that I remember. There are so many more things that show the precision of the earth. With all this precision, can you really believe that everything came from a ball of gas? Or do you think that it is possible that there could be someone who uniquely designed everything.

When a lion kills an animal is it sinning? Of course not! The lion is doing what it does naturally. That is the lions way of life. Now when we steal from someone are we sinning? YES. For the lion, there is no right or wrong. For us, there is a right and wrong. If there is a right and wrong then who established it? There must be someone above us who set the standards, someone who is perfect. That must mean that there IS a god. If there isn't a god then there is NO right or wrong. If there is no right or wrong, then we are just more mature, evolved animals.


  1. Hannah that was a great post!

    Where'd you get all the facts from?

    ~Zona =0)

  2. Daddy preched a whole sermon series about how we could know how the Bible is true. It was the best sermon series I ever heard! That was how I knew all of those things.

  3. Cool! =0)

    I loved reading it! =0)


  4. I like to do Kit's hair -for award

    -from Hannah H. typed by author of blog
