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Friday, March 4, 2011

Apology, Orthodontical Work, and Books

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much. I know I need to more. I had to go to the orthodontist yesterday and found out everything that I have to have done to my teeth. 1. a thing that goes at the top of my mouth that you have to turn with a key to expand the top of my mouth 2. braces 3. rubber bands 4. retainer Then finally I can have almost nothing (I will have a small piece of wire that goes on the back of my bottom teeth forever) on my teeth. That should amount to around 2 1/2 to 3 years. There still is a chance I won't have to get all of that. I still have to see another orthodontist because the other is so expensive. I am finally on the thirteenth Series of Unfortunate Events. I have been reading these books since September, October, or November. I highly recommend them to anyone ages 7 and up. I have a whole list of books that I want to read next. Here they are. 1. Bridge to Terebithia 2. Safely Home 3. Because of Winn-Dixie (I read it when I was 6 but I want to read it again) 4. Frankenstein 5. Swordbird (written by a 13 year old) 6. Peter Pan 7. Jungle Book (written by one of my favorite authors, Rudyard Kipling) 8. Secret Garden 9. Swiss Family Robinson 10. Little Women (I have heard it on audio book a lot and read a shorter version of it but I want to read it again) 11. 1,001 Arabian Nights (recommended by Meghan) 12. Dracula I have many favorite authors but these are probably my favorite. 1. J. K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter books) 2. David Handler/ Lemony Snicket (author of Series of Unfortunate Events) 3. Roald Dahl (author of Matilda and many other books) 4. Mark Twain (wrote many books) 5. Nancy Yi Fan (the now 14 or 15 year old who wrote Swordbird and Sword Quest) 6. Rudyard Kipling (a writer of books and poetry who was born in India but was British) 7. Lousia May Alcott This is an unusually long post for me. It also includes three topics (apology, orthodontical work, and books). I suppose I just can't stay on topic. That is a talent of mine.

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