People who have been on my blog


PLEASE GO TO THIS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Random Star Wars Video (Stop Motion)

Here is a stop motion video of my first Random Star Wars Video. I hope you like it. I don't have the best lighting in it, but I didn't know how to fix that.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Gabby's Contest

Gabby from I Heart American Girl is having a picture contest. She needs one more person to enter so that she can start judging. Enter soon!

Here is the link to learn about the contest:

Emily's Dance Competition

Emily and Mama left for dance competition yesterday afternoon. She will be doing her solo in a few minutes. Her class dance is tomorrow. She will be coming back Saturday night. It is unusually quiet at home without her. Because of the dance competition we don't have school today. I love being homeschooled.

Edit- she is dancing right now, please pray for her

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meet My Dolls

Here is a video I did a couple of days ago. In case you ask, I did do the music myself.

Please go to Ruthie's blog. She is posting again and wants to know if she should continue with the Harry Potter theme.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I found out that Emma tagged me recently (thank you so much, I have never been tagged before). Here are another 7 things about me.

1. I am uploading a video to YouTube right now (I will try to put it on here)

2. I can play Prelude in C Major

3. my ballet class is dancing with scarves this year (so much fun)

4. I love Starbursts

5. I have had strep throat 9 times

6. I have never had a partner from my church to go with to Bible quizzing

7. I will practice piano for hours

I will tag

1. Fransesca from The Girls of Crestview Lane

2. Ruthie from My Life At Hogwarts (yes, I know that I am tagging my own doll)

3. Quinlyn from Quinny & Co

4. Iona from Life in My Eyes

5. Leanna from Loop-de-Loop

I know that's only 5, but I already tagged 7 people and I am running out of options.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Entry for Gabby's Photo Contest

Here is my entry. The theme of these photos is "The Unusual Ruthie."

This photo reminds me of Series of Unfortunate Events because of Count Olaf and V. F. D. I thought this would be an interesting photo. This picture makes the eye seem blank and looking out into the distance. That is something Ruthie will do when she is supposed to be doing school.

Ruthie is a daydreamer sometimes (mainly during school) and this picture shows that.

This shows Ruthie's interesting taste in clothing. She doesn't worry about what anyone else thinks.

Ruthie's Hairstyle

I saw that Phoebe from Love That Doll did this hairstyle on Julie. I decided to do it on Ruthie. Unfortunately, Ruthie has medium, curly hair. Whenever I try to braid her hair the braids stick out of her head. All my dolls have shorter hair, but I do my sister's dolls long hair (well, Emma Lee has medium hair). It is odd that I like long hair but my dolls have shorter hair while my sister likes short hair but two of her dolls have shorter hair and one has medium hair. I also did this hairstyle on myself which worked better because I have wavy/straight, long/medium hair.
In case the pictures aren't clear, Ruthie has three regular braids, a section of hair down, and a small braid. Violet Baudelaire wore this hairstlye in the Series of Unfortunate Events movie. That is actually inacurate because Violet wanted her mom to braid her hair when she was little but her hair just unraveled.
If you would like to see this hairstyle done on a different doll go to

Monday, March 21, 2011


I have not been tagged, but Caelen has explained to me what tagging is so I decided to try it. I will explain it now to all who don't understand it.

Someone will email, comment on your blog, or say on their blog if they tag you. You will then post 7 things about yourself and tag 7 other people.

~7 things about myself~

1. I like banana and manaise (however you spell that) sandwiches (I had one for supper)

2. I have to practice atleast 100 minutes a week for band

3. In Bible quizzing I have won 3rd place twice, fourth place once, highest honors twice, and quizzing champion once

4. I got showcase with the rest of the steeldrum band this year

5. I have lots of yarn

6. I have no family in my state

7. I like to write tragedy plays

~7 people I tag~

1. Meghan/Pearl from An Everyday, Whatsoever, Random, Anything Blog and Madison Louise's Books

2. Emma from Dolls of Lily Pad Meadow

3. Willow K. from A Spy's Life of Jess, Ivy, and Melissa

4. Skylar from American Girl Fan Club by Skylar

5. Phoebe from Love That Doll

6. Caelen from My American Girl and Me

7. Minnie Kitchen from Minnie Kitchen

I will try to contact you all.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Funny Star Wars Video with Potter Puppet Pals

Cedarmania Results

I got back from Cedarville today. IT WAS AWESOME! My favorite part was the music which was led by HeartSong. We played lots of games, ate, and went to chapel. I did stay up all night. I didn't get too sleepy, but I was exhausted. I slept most of the way home. I took a nap before going to pointe today but I'm still a little tired. Everyone in our group that went wants to go next year.

Friday, March 18, 2011


I am going to Cedarmania tonight. Cedarmania is a lock-in type thing. I am nervous about staying up all night. The latest I stayed up is 3:30-4:00 in the morning. I also have pointe at 12:30 the next day. I am still excited about it though. I'll tell you about it when I get back tomorrow.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Japan and Other Things (why do I do such random posts?)

Have you heard about the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan? You probably have. They were saying that one earthquake was so big that it moved the earth ten inches in its orbit. That is just scary. In my opinion, that could take away our leap year. I know we won't freeze or burn to death because of this change though because God will take care of us.

You might have seen that I changed my pen name to Kit Snicket. She is one of my favorite characters in Series of Unfortunate Events.

Ruthie has posted on her blog and would like you to read it.

I am back on my blog and would like my wonderful readers to read and comment again.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Emma's Blog Headers

Emma, from Our Life, AG Fun, and Pix by Emma, is making blog headers for anyone who wants one. She made me one (not the one above) which was really good. I highly recommend asking her for one. You can find out how to ask her to make one by reading her blog Pix By Emma. Thank you so much Emma!


Look at this picture I made on . Chrissa doesn't really look like she has a body in it (unintentional).

Books Finished

I have finished two of the books on my list that I showed you on my last post. I have finished all of the Series of Unfortunate Events and Bridge to Terebithia.

I loved Series of Unfortunate Events. It was really good. Be prepared to cry on the last chapter of the last book. The very end is happy but makes you want to cry.

I really liked Bridge to Terebithia as well. It was so good till I got to about the ninth chapter. It got really sad. The author is not a Christian possibly because a character doesn't believe that God will send someone to hell (even though that person wasn't a Christian). They also kind of prayed to spirits which was just weird.

Over all, I recommend both of these books. I am now going to read Little Women.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Apology, Orthodontical Work, and Books

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much. I know I need to more. I had to go to the orthodontist yesterday and found out everything that I have to have done to my teeth. 1. a thing that goes at the top of my mouth that you have to turn with a key to expand the top of my mouth 2. braces 3. rubber bands 4. retainer Then finally I can have almost nothing (I will have a small piece of wire that goes on the back of my bottom teeth forever) on my teeth. That should amount to around 2 1/2 to 3 years. There still is a chance I won't have to get all of that. I still have to see another orthodontist because the other is so expensive. I am finally on the thirteenth Series of Unfortunate Events. I have been reading these books since September, October, or November. I highly recommend them to anyone ages 7 and up. I have a whole list of books that I want to read next. Here they are. 1. Bridge to Terebithia 2. Safely Home 3. Because of Winn-Dixie (I read it when I was 6 but I want to read it again) 4. Frankenstein 5. Swordbird (written by a 13 year old) 6. Peter Pan 7. Jungle Book (written by one of my favorite authors, Rudyard Kipling) 8. Secret Garden 9. Swiss Family Robinson 10. Little Women (I have heard it on audio book a lot and read a shorter version of it but I want to read it again) 11. 1,001 Arabian Nights (recommended by Meghan) 12. Dracula I have many favorite authors but these are probably my favorite. 1. J. K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter books) 2. David Handler/ Lemony Snicket (author of Series of Unfortunate Events) 3. Roald Dahl (author of Matilda and many other books) 4. Mark Twain (wrote many books) 5. Nancy Yi Fan (the now 14 or 15 year old who wrote Swordbird and Sword Quest) 6. Rudyard Kipling (a writer of books and poetry who was born in India but was British) 7. Lousia May Alcott This is an unusually long post for me. It also includes three topics (apology, orthodontical work, and books). I suppose I just can't stay on topic. That is a talent of mine.